Take over the billboards and expand your publicity platform through Digital Billboards in known areas that will bump up your readership. Digital Billboard is guaranteed with electronically striking image, appealing enough for audience to take notice of your literary masterpiece. This visual illustration will be played in a particular loop for a duration of 24 hours within 7 weeks to be absorbed by the audience. Imagine a tremendous number of people you’ll be drawn in just in a matter of seconds just through a banner ad alone. Let Bookwhirl effectively do your publicity campaigns for you!
Digital Billboards highlights the following:
- Level up your publicity with the innovative LED technology and sites throughout the top U.S Markets and have your message delivered in a relevant and appropriate timing.
- Improve open area exposure 24 hours per day within a 4 week campaign.
- Circulation of press release to designated media outlets based on your book location and genre through Media Release Campaign
- Digital Book Display Size: 14’H x 48’W